We have all heard it before: Resumes today are rife with missing information, mis-statements, wrong titles or dates, and even out right frauds. Well known leaders have been fired for false information being discovered in their resumes and anyone who is actively involved in recruiting, screening or hiring will tell you that acting on a resume alone will not give you everything you need to know about a person.
One thing that PeopleFacts works hard to do for it’s clients is to take some of the burden off of them by securing the information they need to identify if the resume they are reviewing is factually sound or rife with falsified information. One of the key things we can do for clients comes in the form of a little used area: verifications and references.
Calling on PeopleFacts to help you verify degrees obtained, credentials claimed and work history reported are three easy ways that we can help you “fill in the gap” when it comes to your resume verification. An additional tool is to use our teams to make calls to references and even former supervisors to find out more information about skills, talents, character or more. Customize your reference checks or follow our easy to use tools and you will soon discover the value of PeopleFacts making some calls for you.
So if you are looking to fill in the gaps on the resume’s you are reviewing, let us start doing some additional verification and reference checking work for you.