At an ever increasing rate, companies are implementing a background screening process into their hiring process – this occurrence raises the question of why? Why are companies perpetuating the trend of background screening? What value is background screening bringing to their onboarding process? Let’s take a look at some of the primary motivations of companies via the results of this SHRM, Society for Human Risk Managers, Survey.
Over half of companies are really avoiding the risk of a negligent retention claim with their background screening program. That statistic is comparable in the other two areas- tenant screening and volunteer screening. Second of all, companies are trying to establish a safe and healthy workplace environment.
We have 36 percent of responders saying that they want to reduce fraud and theft, and then 28% indicate that they have to comply with contractual regulatory requirements, and that’s why they’re doing background screening. Finally, there is this concept that just overall, “I want to assess the trustworthiness of a candidate by looking into their past and finding out information about them.”
In addition to the SHRM survey, we know that companies are trying to exercise due diligence and a “trust but verify” mindset. These practices establish credibility with stakeholders, customers, tenants, volunteer members, etc. If you’re finding out this information upfront, then you somehow become more credible as an organization.
Starting a relationship from a place of knowledge is always a healthier way to start a relationship, and finally, just improving that ‘Get to know you’ process actually improves the quality of our relationships.
As you can see, there are a few focal reasoning behind companies increasingly implementing background screening programs into their hiring process. Hopefully you have a better view of the big scope picture of why organizations today are really engaged actively in background screening. For more information please make use of our free resources: