Recruiters in most, if not all, industries are experiencing the same problem – how to find qualified, skilled workers in a tight labor market.

You’ve probably checked out recruiting software, new social media platforms, or after watching the Emmys, may have considered producing a short recruiting video. One video that’s almost 10 years old is definitely among our favorites. The recruiting video produced by Hopital du Sacre-Coeur in Montreal features a mock Chinese television journalist reporting on how China is gobbling up businesses all over the world, including the hospital behind her. In the background, you see all sorts of craziness like a man being shot out of a cannon and Spiderman crawling down a hospital wall.

More than three million people watched that video as resumes of qualified medical applicants poured in for months.

But maybe you’re not a Spiderman fan or your budget requires more down to earth tactics. Not to worry. There is still plenty you can do.

Although you may use social media sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, so does everyone else. According to the results of a survey conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), 84 percent of organizations use social media for recruiting while 82 percent use it to hunt for passive candidates. Using Social Media for Talent Acquisition—Recruitment and Screening.

Try something different. Surf online for sites that people in your industry routinely visit to simply share knowledge or ideas, ask questions, or network. Consider sites like Stack Overflow, an online community for programmers, or Doximity, a network of healthcare professionals. You’ll have less competition, which means more opportunity to find talent.

Another strategy is to partner with a local community college to develop a short course or training program for specific jobs that are hard to fill. You’ll get first dibs on recruiting students who complete those courses.

An underutilized program offered by many companies focuses on employee referrals. But many are dull and don’t engage workers.

Skillmeter, a consulting firm that helps employers measure candidates’ skills, suggests printing t-shirts or bumper stickers for employees that says, “We’re Hiring”, and reward them with incentives. Print cards for employees to hand out to others that say, “You’re amazing” on the front side, and on the reverse states, “I work for X and you’re exactly the kind of person we need. If you’re thinking about a change, call me.”

But even more important than finding someone with the right skillset is selecting people who possess the personality and behavioral traits valued throughout your  culture. Are they ambitious? Are they flexible and open to new ideas? Are they the type of person who wants to grow his skills? Is she the type of individual who wants to expand her career opportunities?

Recruiting in a tight labor market demands imagination, resourcefulness and even speed. If you wait too long to respond to candidate inquiries or applications, they may accept another job offer.

So dive in. Try different approaches, no matter how crazy they initially sound. That’s among the best ways to ensure that your talent pipeline stays full.