Keeping Compliant With The Home Instead Preferred Vendor
Thank you for taking a moment to discover a fresh approach on the way your background screening and compliance can be handled. PeopleFacts has been a preferred vendor of Home Instead Senior Care since 2006, and knows what it takes to help Home Instead owners stay compliant with HISC standards. We can also provide help with state standards if needed.
- PeopleFacts offers a user friendly system, and easy to read reports.
- PeopleFacts has developed products that help with consistency.
- PeopleFacts provides each office a dedicated point of contact for questions and assistance.
- PeopleFacts integrates with Applicant Stack for improved efficiency.
- PeopleFacts delivers fast and accurate data to make informed hiring decisions.
- PeopleFacts makes all documentation available that is required to stay compliant with Federal law.
Looking For More Than What Is Required By Home Instead?
One of the most challenging risk management issues you can face is hiring with confidence. Confidence in hiring comes from consistent hiring practices involving many other aspects within background screening, some such as:
- Federal and State Records Search
- National Sex Offender Search
- Verification of Education & Employment History
- Verification of Personal Character References
- Verification of Address History via Social Security Number
- Credit History for Employment
- Drug Screening
- Workers’ Compensation Claims Search
- And More….
Looking for Integration with your Applicant Tracking System?
PeopleFacts is integrated with HISC approved Applicant Stack to provide a quicker way to start the screening process!
See What Standards Are HISC Compliant in Your State
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Choose below...AlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareDistrict of ColumbiaFloridaGeorgiaHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyoming
A Summary of Your Rights Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act
Download Summary of Rights - ENGLISH (PDF)
Download Summary of Rights - ESPAÑOL (PDF) - Download the Summary of Rights for Alaska (PDF)
- Download the Summary of Rights for Arkansas (PDF)
- Download the Summary of Rights for California (PDF)
- Download the Summary of Rights for Colorado (PDF)
- Download the Summary of Rights for Connecticut (PDF)
- Download the Summary of Rights for Delaware (PDF)
- Download the Summary of Rights for District of Columbia (PDF)
- Download the Summary of Rights for Florida (PDF)
- Download the Summary of Rights for Georgia (PDF)
- Download the Summary of Rights for Indiana (PDF)
- Download the Summary of Rights for Maryland (PDF)
- Download the Summary of Rights for Massachusetts (PDF)
- Download the Summary of Rights for Missouri (PDF)
- Download the Summary of Rights for Montana (PDF)
- Download the Summary of Rights for Nevada (PDF)
- Download the Summary of Rights for New Hampshire (PDF)
- Download the Summary of Rights for New Jersey (PDF)
- Download the Summary of Rights for New Mexico (PDF)
- Download the Summary of Rights for New York (PDF)
- Download the Summary of Rights for North Carolina (PDF)
- Download the Summary of Rights for North Dakota (PDF)
- Download the Summary of Rights for Ohio (PDF)
- Download the Summary of Rights for Oklahoma (PDF)
- Download the Summary of Rights for Rhode Island (PDF)
- Download the Summary of Rights for Tennessee (PDF)
- Download the Summary of Rights for Texas (PDF)
- Download the Summary of Rights for Vermont (PDF)
- Download the Summary of Rights for Virginia (PDF)
- Download the Summary of Rights for Washington (PDF)
- Download the Summary of Rights for West Virginia (PDF)
- Download the Summary of Rights for Wisconsin (PDF)
Using the SSN Trak product, PeopleFacts Technology orders unlimited county criminal searches based on the counties of residence in the past seven years. CrimTrak tracks the applicant's counties of residence, and then orders in-depth searches for these counties.MVR
Using the applicant's driver's license number and name, PeopleFacts Technology queries the applicant's driving record and reports the issue/expiration dates, class, points, citations, accidents, and revocations. The Motor Vehicle Report provides driving history that is currently on file with the Department of Motor Vehicles in the applicants state, which is often a major consideration in insuring company vehicles and drivers.Multi-County Criminal
Using the applicant's name, date of birth, and (where permitted) social security number, PeopleFacts Technology queries the county level database(s) for a selected state. A county search will disclose the jurisdiction, offense, offense description, case number and case description. The search may also disclose city violations, code enforcements, and felony traffic offense (where permitted). -
Using the SSN Trak product, PeopleFacts Technology orders unlimited county criminal searches based on the counties of residence in the past seven years. CrimTrak tracks the applicant's counties of residence, and then orders in-depth searches for these counties.MVR
Using the applicant's driver's license number and name, PeopleFacts Technology queries the applicant's driving record and reports the issue/expiration dates, class, points, citations, accidents, and revocations. The Motor Vehicle Report provides driving history that is currently on file with the Department of Motor Vehicles in the applicants state, which is often a major consideration in insuring company vehicles and drivers.Manual Statewide
Using the applicant's name, date of birth, and social security number, PeopleFacts Technology queries the state’s law enforcement division database for criminal offenses committed in the state. Information can include records currently under prosecution, arrests and warrants that did not result in a criminal trial or prosecution, violent offenses, and successfully charged criminal cases. -
Using the SSN Trak product, PeopleFacts Technology orders unlimited county criminal searches based on the counties of residence in the past seven years. CrimTrak tracks the applicant's counties of residence, and then orders in-depth searches for these counties.MVR
Using the applicant's driver's license number and name, PeopleFacts Technology queries the applicant's driving record and reports the issue/expiration dates, class, points, citations, accidents, and revocations. The Motor Vehicle Report provides driving history that is currently on file with the Department of Motor Vehicles in the applicants state, which is often a major consideration in insuring company vehicles and drivers.
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Disclaimer: While PeopleFacts makes efforts to stay on top of changes to state and local laws, specific state requirements may change without notice. To satisfy your specific state law, we encourage each HISC Location to stay in contact with state offices enforcing the requirements. For further questions please contact us, or your HISC Standards department at