Little wonder, then, that pre-employment screening for hospitals—and other healthcare employees—are a critical component of ensuring that the healthcare professionals who interact with patients are both reliable and trustworthy.
PeopleFacts is experienced in the field of hospital background checks, and our professionals are fully trained to ensure that those hired in the healthcare sector meet the stringent legal requirements established for healthcare professionals. In addition to background screening for hospitals, it’s also important to note that the vast majority of states also require background checks for home health agencies; that’s a logical position, given the access that employees of such agencies are given when providing home-based health assistance.
Given the size and scope of America’s healthcare industry, it’s not surprising that there are an abundance of complex regulations governing employment within this critical business sector. After all, in addition to having physical access to the patients, many employees in the healthcare industry also have access to some of Americans’ most critically important—and private—information.
Background Screening For Hospitals—Protecting Patients & Their Privacy
Hospital background checks, as well as drug testing for hospital employees, are critical safeguards in protecting patients’ physical well being, as well as their personal privacy.
With a long history of providing pre-employment screening for hospitals and other healthcare providers, PeopleFacts specializes in an array of related services, including background checks for:
- Home Health Care
- Hospital Workers
- Lab Technicians
- Nurses
- Physicians
- Medical School Interns
- Physician Office Wokers
- Pharmaceutical Employees
- Clinics
PeopleFacts background screening services of particular interest to the healthcare industry include:
- Civil Court Records
- Credential Verification
- Credit Reports
- Criminal Records
- Drug & Alcohol Screening
- Education Verification
- Employment Verification
- E-Verify
- Identity Verification
- Motor Vehicle Reports
- Occupational Testing
- Paperless I-9
- Sanctions, Risks & Compliance
Compliance with the multitude of regulations governing the multi-billion dollar healthcare industry can be a daunting task.
Understanding those complexities, PeopleFacts’ has decades of experience in helping to ensure that those individuals hired to help keep Americans healthy meet the high employment requirements set forth by regulators nationwide.
See a full list of PeopleFacts employee background screenings in Solutions.